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Results Views Module


This module provides a way to manage multiple views of the search results. At the core, the ResultsViewService keeps track of the current active view, and the list of all available views. This service persists the view name in the URL, and manages the navigation and interactions with the SearchService.

The module includes a component (coupled to the service) to select a view (among the list of all views), and a sample "grid" results view, that can be used as an alternative to a standard "list" results view. Other modules include other types of views, such as the heatmap results view.


Import this module in your app.module.ts.

import { BsResultsViewModule } from '@sinequa/components/results-view';

imports: [
BsResultsViewModule.forRoot(allViews, defaultView)

This module is internationalized: If not already the case, you need to import its messages for the language(s) of your application. For example, in your app's src/locales/en.ts:

import {enResultsView} from "@sinequa/components/results-view";

const messages = Utils.merge({}, ..., enResultsView, appMessages);

Defining Results Views

A "view" is defined by a ResultsView object which contains different settings. Note that this object is independent from the actual rendering of the view: this aspect needs to be handled separately.

For example, let's imagine we have two views:

  • one standard list view (e.g. the one from Vanilla Search).
  • one "grid" view (which is more compact, so it can display more results).

First, we define the ResultsView objects and inject them in our app.module.ts:

import { BsResultsViewModule, ResultsView } from '@sinequa/components/results-view';

export const allViews: ResultsView[] = [
name: "list",
type: "list",
display: "List",
icon: "fas fa-list"
name: "grid",
type: "grid",
display: "Grid",
icon: "fas fa-th"
export const defaultView = allViews[0];

imports: [

BsResultsViewModule.forRoot(allViews, defaultView)

Results View Service

The ResultsViewService keeps track of the current view and the list of all active views.

When switching views, the service navigates to a new URL including the view name as a query parameter.

Selecting a results view is as simple as calling:


Behind the scene, the service performs a series of actions:

  • Emit a before-select event (which can be caught by subscribing to It is possible to trigger custom actions when this event is fired and tell the service to wait for these actions to complete before actually going to the next step: Simply add 1 (or more) Promise to the event object (event.promises.push(myActionPromise)).
  • Optionally, execute a new custom search query that will yield different results from the ones displayed in the current view. To do so, add a beforeSearch method to the ResultsView object to modify the query (example below). In that case, the service waits for the results to come in before going to the next step.
  • Navigate to a new URL with the new view name. For example #/search?view=grid&query=....
  • When the navigation is complete, the service finally sets this.resultsViewService.resultsView to the new view and emits an after-select event.

Displaying Results Views

The display of results views is managed via simple Angular template syntax:

<ng-container *ngIf=" === 'list'">
<!-- Template of the list view -->

<ng-container *ngIf=" === 'grid'">
<!-- Template of the grid view -->

The module includes a standard "grid" result view component: sq-results-grid-view. You could use for example:

By convention, results view components expect the ResultsView object as an input parameter (view). The ResultsView interface can be extended to include more settings to configure the results view. For example, in the case of the grid results view, the GridView interface includes a columns array to configure what to display in each column of the grid.

Switching Between Views

To switch between results views, include the sq-results-view-selector component. The component uses the ResultsViewService to display the current view and list of available views.

Alternatively, the selector can be displayed as a dropdown menu (useDropdownMenu = true):

Results View Selector Dropdown

Advanced options

It is possible to assign a view to specific tabs. Use the includedTabs and excludedTabs parameters of the ResultsView interface.

For example:

export const allViews: ResultsView[] = [
name: "list",
type: "list",
display: "List",
icon: "fas fa-list",
includedTabs: ["all"]
name: "grid",
type: "grid",
display: "Grid",
icon: "fas fa-th",
columns: [
{active: true, title: "Title", field: "displayTitle", sortable: false, renderAsHtml: true},
{active: true, title: "Type", field: "sourcestr4", sortable: true, renderAsHtml: false},
{active: true, title: "PageRank", field: "sourcedouble1", sortable: true, renderAsHtml: false},
excludedTabs: ["company", "people"]

It is also possible to customize the query for a specific results view. But note that if you use that feature, you will probably need to customize the query for every view, to cancel the effects of the first modification.

For example, it would make sense to display more results in the grid view (let's say 100), so we can tune the query to do that (pageSize parameter), but we also need to clean up the query when switch from the grid view back to the list view:

export const allViews: (ResultsView|GridView)[] = [
name: "list",
type: "list",
display: "List",
icon: "fas fa-list",
includedTabs: ["all"],
beforeSearch: (query: Query) => {delete query.pageSize; return true;}
name: "grid",
type: "grid",
display: "Grid",
icon: "fas fa-th",
columns: [
{active: true, title: "Title", field: "displayTitle", sortable: false, renderAsHtml: true},
{active: true, title: "Type", field: "sourcestr4", sortable: true, renderAsHtml: false},
{active: true, title: "PageRank", field: "sourcedouble1", sortable: true, renderAsHtml: false},
excludedTabs: ["company", "people"],
beforeSearch: (query: Query) => {query.pageSize = 100; return true;}