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Notification Module


This module introduces the Bootstrap-flavored components to display and manage user notifications.

For the creation and management of notifications, please refer to the Core Notification module.

Error notification An error notification


import { BsNotificationModule } from "@sinequa/components/notification";

imports: [

This module is internationalized: If not already the case, you need to import its messages for the language(s) of your application. For example, in your app's src/locales/en.ts:

import {enNotification} from "@sinequa/components/notification";

const messages = Utils.merge({}, ..., enNotification, appMessages);

API usage



The BsNotification component is the Bootstrap-flavor implementation of a notification shown on the screen.


The BsNotifications component is the component representing the current notification list and displaying the notification on the screen. It is imported and used in the app.component.html of vanilla-search.


The BsNotificationsManager component is the component that is used to manage the list of notifications of your application.

For more information about how you can manage the notification list, please refer to Manage user notifications