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Metadata Module


This module introduces the UI component that displays the metadata of a document in the search result page.

Document metadata Document metadata


import { MetadataModule } from '@sinequa/components/metadata';

imports: [

This module is internationalized: If not already the case, you need to import its messages for the language(s) of your application. For example, in your app's src/locales/en.ts:

import {enMetadata} from "@sinequa/components/metadata";

const messages = Utils.merge({}, ..., enMetadata, appMessages);

API usage

This module exports 2 main components: MetadataItemComponent which displays one metadata entry, and MetadataComponent which displays a list of metadata entries with a layout.

An entry of metadata is simply a value of an index column of the considered document. Documents have many different types of metadata (mono-valued, multiple-valued, entities, tree-structured, text, numbers, dates, booleans...)

For example, some of the metadata displayed by vanilla-search are:

Metadata titleIndex columnFontawesome Icon
Sourcestreepathfas fa-folder-open
Filenamefilenamefar fa-file-alt
Datemodifiedfar fa-calendar-alt
Authorsauthorsfas fa-user-edit

The sq-metadata-item selector

This component displays one metadata entry and it expects these inputs:

Required parameters:

  • record: The document whose metadata is being displayed.
  • field: The column name to retrieve the value from.

Optional parameters:

  • query (default: SearchService.query): The query to apply any filter action to.
  • label: A label to insert before the value (which will look like "label: value").
  • icon: The Fontawesome class of the icon to insert before the label and value.
  • fieldClass: Any additional CSS classes you want to apply to the field value.
  • filterable (default: false): Whether you can add a filter on this metadata for the query. This will add a "Filter" button in a tooltip.
  • excludable (default: false): Whether you can add an exclusion filter on this metadata for the query. This will add an "Exclude" button in a tooltip.
  • showEntityExtract (default: false): Whether the entity extract should be displayed in a tooltip. Note that there are some prerequisites on the server like checking "return entity locations" in the Query web service.
  • actions: Any additional actions for the metadata entry to display in a tooltip.
  • collapseRows (default: true): Whether the rows are collapsible, to save space.
  • entityExtractMaxLines (default: 4): The maximum number of lines to display for the entity extract in the tooltip.
  • actionsButtonsStyle (default: btn btn-secondary): The style to apply to the action buttons.
  • actionsButtonsSize (default: sm): The size to apply to the action buttons.

The sq-metadata selector

This component displays a list of sq-metadata-item and facilitates the layout which can either be linear or with one entry per line. It also allows to construct sentences to include metadata entries to.

Required parameters:

  • record: The document whose metadata is being displayed,
  • config ((MetadataConfig | string)[]): The metadata entries of the document to be displayed, this is a list containing some MetadataConfig objects which contain the parameters to apply for each metadata entry following what sq-metadata-item as inputs. There can also be strings in this array which allows you to make sentences with metadata entries in the middle of them (example below).

Optional parameters:

  • query (default: SearchService.query): The query to apply any filter action to.
  • layout (default: inline): The type of layout for the metadata entries list. This can only be "inline" (all next to each other) or "table" (one per line).
  • actionsButtonsStyle (default: btn btn-secondary): The style to apply to the action buttons.
  • actionsButtonsSize (default: sm): The size to apply to the action buttons.

The component also emits an event when an element of the metadata is selected / clicked on.



The following metadata is displayed with all the default options:

this.metadata: MetadataConfig[] = [
field: "docformat",
label: "Format",
icon: "fas fa-info-circle"
field: "modified",
label: "Date",
icon: "far fa-calendar-alt"
field: "size",
label: "Size",
icon: "fas fa-weight-hanging"
field: "treepath",
label: "Source",
icon: "fas fa-folder-open"
field: "filename",
label: "Filename",
icon: "far fa-file-alt"

Default metadata settings

You can also add the [layout]="'table'" input to the component to have one entry per line.

Table metadata

The filterable and excludable parameters can be used to display the filtering buttons when hovering the metadata entry:

this.metadata: MetadataConfig[] = [
field: "docformat",
label: "Format",
icon: "fas fa-info-circle",
filterable: true,
excludable: true
field: "modified",
label: "Date",
icon: "far fa-calendar-alt",
filterable: true

Filter and Exclude

Filter only

If a metadata is an entity, you can set the showEntityExtract parameter as true to display the entity extract when you hover it:

Entity tooltip

Here is an example with a custom action:

this.metadata: MetadataConfig[] = [
field: "docformat",
label: "Format",
icon: "fas fa-info-circle",
filterable: true,
excludable: true,
actions: [new Action({
text: "Test",
icon: "fas fa-user-edit",
action: () => {
// some code

Metadata custom action

As mentioned before, the config array input can also contain strings, allowing to create full sentences containing some metadata entries inside of it. Here is an example:

this.metadata: (MetadataConfig | string)[] = [
"The document ",
field: "filename",
fieldClass: "mx-1 badge rounded-pill bg-secondary",
filterable: true
" has been created the ",
field: "modified",
fieldClass: "ms-1"

Metadata custom action

Metadata item

While sq-metadata facilitates the layout, you can just use sq-metadata-item to display a metadata entry:

<sq-metadata-item [record]="record" [field]="'modified'"></sq-metadata-item>

Metadata item

Or with more parameters:

[icon]="'fas fa-phone'"
[fieldClass]="'badge rounded-pill bg-secondary'"

Metadata item