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Analytics library

Building the library

At the root of the workspace, run the following command:

npm run buildanalytics

The build takes a few minutes to complete and produces a folder dist/analytics/. Note that this folder is aliased as @sinequa/analytics, in the tsconfig.json file. This means that all the imports of code of this library from the applications look like:

import { ... } from '@sinequa/analytics/....';


This library contains several sub-libraries (or "secondary endpoints"). Each sub-library generally includes:

  • One or more Angular modules. Generally, only one module is used. If the library depends on the Bootstrap library, the module is packaged within a bootstrap/ subfolder and the module is prefixed by Bs (eg. BsSearchModule).

  • Zero or one Angular service. Services are where the intelligence of the application is concentrated. Components generally use a service for the complex data processing tasks and the interactions with @sinequa/core and the web services (eg. SearchService).

    Services are always designed to be component-agnostic, and therefore do not depend on the Bootstrap or Material Design libraries. When a service depends on a component type, it is actually injected by dependency injection.

  • Various Angular components, directives and pipes exported by the Angular module, and tied together by the service.

  • Zero or one stylesheet, to be imported in your application's global stylesheet.

  • Internationalization "messages", which are simple Typescript files exporting key/value pairs of text allowing to switch between various languages in your app (See Internationalization).

See the tutorial introduction for additional information on the modules' structure and how to get started with them.

Below is list of documented modules.