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Advanced Module


This module provides a bench of advanced-search functionalities, as well as components to build custom advanced-search forms:

  • AdvancedService: manages the different operations that can be used to perform an advanced-search in Sinequa.
  • A list of components seen as basic bricks to build a custom advanced-search form . These components are styled with the Bootstrap library, and their class names start with Bs.


import { BsAdvancedModule } from '@sinequa/components/advanced';

imports: [

This module is internationalized: If not already the case, you need to import its messages for the language(s) of your application. For example, in your app's src/locales/en.ts:

import {enAdvanced} from "@sinequa/components/advanced";

const messages = Utils.merge({}, ..., enAdvanced, appMessages);

Advanced Service

The AdvancedService exposes a variety of methods and interfaces.

If you want to create your own advanced-search form, you will need to define a list of FormControl. Here, a set of dedicated methods is provided :

  • createSelectControl(field: string, validators?: ValidatorFn[], asyncValidators?: AsyncValidatorFn[]): FormControl

    This method creates a FormControl dedicated to a standard select. Behind the scenes, this method uses getValue(...) to initialize the value of the returned FormControl.

  • createInputControl(field: string, validators?: ValidatorFn[], asyncValidators?: AsyncValidatorFn[]): FormControl

    This method creates a FormControl dedicated to a standard input. Behind the scenes, this method uses getValue(...) to initialize the value of the returned FormControl.

  • createCheckboxControl(field: string, validators?: ValidatorFn[], asyncValidators?: AsyncValidatorFn[]): FormControl

    This method creates a FormControl dedicated to a standard checkbox. Behind the scenes, this method uses getBooleanValue(...) to initialize the value of the returned FormControl.

  • createMultiInputControl(field: string, validators?: ValidatorFn[], asyncValidators?: AsyncValidatorFn[]): FormControl

    This method creates a FormControl dedicated to an input supporting multi values. Behind the scenes, this method uses getValue(...) to initialize the value of the returned FormControl.

  • createRangeControl(field: string, validators?: ValidatorFn[], asyncValidators?: AsyncValidatorFn[]): FormControl

    This method creates a FormControl dedicated to a custom element supporting a range definition (a coupled elements used as from .. to ). Behind the scenes, this method uses getRangeValue(...) to initialize the value of the returned FormControl.

Notice that the field parameter represents the column / alias to which we are applying our filter.

All above methods invokes the generic helper :

  • createControl(value: AdvancedValue | ValueItem | ValueItem[], validators?: ValidatorFn[], asyncValidators?: AsyncValidatorFn[]): FormControl

    This method creates a generic FormControl.

Form Validation

The AdvancedService also enhance the FormControl creation experience with some packaged Validators which can be optionally passed to each one of the above methods.

Those validators are accessible via the readonly attribute advancedFormValidators implementing AdvancedFormValidators interface :

min: (min: string | number | Date, field: string) => ValidatorFn;
max: (max: string | number | Date, field: string) => ValidatorFn;
required: ValidatorFn;
email: ValidatorFn;
pattern: (pattern: string | RegExp) => ValidatorFn;
integer: (field: string) => ValidatorFn;
number: (field: string) => ValidatorFn;
date: (field: string) => ValidatorFn;
range: (field: string) => ValidatorFn;


Actually, each created FormControl is not useful unless it is able to perform some related advanced-search lifecycle actions. For this, AdvancedService comes with several methods :

  • getValue(field: string, query?: Query | undefined): ValueItem | ValueItem[] | undefined

    This method retrieves the value to be set to a specific FormControl (select, input, multi-input ...) from the query.

  • getBooleanValue(field: string, query?: Query | undefined): boolean | undefined

    This method retrieves the value to be set to a specific FormControl (checkbox ...) from the query.

  • getRangeValue(field: string, query?: Query | undefined): AdvancedValue

    This method retrieves the value to be set to a specific FormControl (range ...) from the query.

  • getAdvancedExpr(field: string, query?: Query | undefined): Expr | undefined

    This method returns the expression of an advanced filter from the query.

  • getValueFromExpr(expr: Expr): ValueItem | ValueItem[]

    This method extracts the value from the expression.

  • setSelect(field: string, value: ValueItem | ValueItem[] | undefined, query?: Query | undefined, combineWithAnd?: boolean, fieldOperator?: 'contains'): void

  • setSelect(field: string, value: ValueItem | ValueItem[] | undefined, options: { query?: Query | undefined, combineWithAnd?: boolean, fieldOperator?: 'contains' }): void

    This method updates the query with a value of a specific FormControl (select, input, multi-input ...).

  • setBooleanSelect(field: string, value: boolean | undefined, allowFalsy?: boolean, query?: Query | undefined): void

    This method updates the query with a value of a specific FormControl (checkbox ...).

  • setNumericalSelect(field: string, value: string | Date | number | ValueItem | undefined, operator: ">" | ">=" | "<" | "<=" | "=" | "<>", query?: Query | undefined): void

    This method updates the query with a value of a specific FormControl (numeric-input ...).

  • setRangeSelect(field: string, range: (string | Date | number)[] | undefined, query?: Query | undefined): void

    This method updates the query with a value of a specific FormControl (range ...).

  • setAdvancedSelect(field: string, expr: string | undefined, query?: Query | undefined): void

    This is the helper method which update the select attribute of the query. If no expression provided, the filter of the corresponding field will be entirely removed.

  • removeAdvancedValue(field: string, search: boolean, query?: Query | undefined): void

    This method removes a specific advanced value by its field name from a given query and then can trigger a new search event.

  • resetAdvancedValues(search: boolean, query?: Query | undefined): void

    This method removes all advanced values from a given query and then can trigger a new search event.

  • getAdvancedValues(query?: Query | undefined): Object

    This method returns an object containing all the filled (field, value) in the advanced-search form.

All above methods use the parameter query as optional. If it is not provided, searchService.query will be used by default.

Other helpers methods are provided within AdvancedService to facilitate custom manipulations of advanced-search feature :

  • asValueItems(value: ValueItem | ValueItem[], field: string): ValueItem[]

    This method transforms a given value to a parsed ValueItem[].

  • formatValueItems(field: string, value: ValueItem | ValueItem[]): ValueItem | ValueItem[]

    This method returns a formatted copy of the given value.

  • formatAdvancedValue(field: string, value: AdvancedValue): AdvancedValue

    This method returns a formatted copy of the given value.

  • castAdvancedValue(value: BaseAdvancedValue, column: CCColumn | undefined): BaseAdvancedValue

    This method cast a given advanced value as per its column definition.

If you want create a new custom component for your advanced-search form, you can, for sure, do it and still be able to benefit of all built-in methods.


The AdvancedModule has a set of packaged components which serve as a basic bricks of an advanced-search form :

  • The BsAdvancedFormSelect component is used to display a select element compatible with any advanced-search form.

    The inputs of the component are :

    • form: The advanced-search form.
    • field: The column / alias of the applied filter.
    • label: Optional input used to override the default label in the column definition.
    • multiple: Whether the multiple selection is allowed or not.
    • aggregation: Optional input that defines the aggregation name used to fill the select options.
  • The BsAdvancedFormInput component is used to display an input element compatible with any advanced-search form.

    The inputs of the component are :

    • form: The advanced-search form.
    • field: The column / alias of the applied filter.
    • label: Optional input used to override the default label in the column definition.
    • suggestQuery: The string value of the suggest query to be used for the autocomplete.
  • The BsAdvancedFormMultiInput component is used to display a multi-value input element compatible with any advanced-search form.

    The inputs of the component are :

    • form: The advanced-search form.
    • field: The column / alias of the applied filter.
    • label: Optional input used to override the default label in the column definition.
    • suggestQuery: The string value of the suggest query to be used for the autocomplete.
  • The BsAdvancedFormRange component is used to display a range input element compatible with any advanced-search form.

    The inputs of the component are :

    • form: The advanced-search form.
    • field: The column / alias of the applied filter.
    • label: Optional input used to override the default label in the column definition.
    • min: The lowest possible limit.
    • max: The highest possible limit.
  • The BsAdvancedFormCheckbox component is used to display a checkbox element compatible with any advanced-search form.

    The inputs of the component are :

    • form: The advanced-search form.
    • field: The column / alias of the applied filter.
    • label: Optional input used to override the default label in the column definition.


The AdvancedModule embeds its own directives to handle custom features of the advanced-search :

  • The BsAdvancedFormAutocomplete provides the sqAdvancedFormAutocomplete directive. It extends and overrides the main sqAutocomplete directive.

    The inputs of the directive are quiet simple :

    • field: The column / alias of the applied filter.

    This directive also emits an UpdateItem event which is needed to synchronize the search item in the parent component.

  • The BsAdvancedFormAutocompleteMultiInput provides the sqAdvancedFormAutocompleteMultiInput directive. It extends and overrides sqAdvancedFormAutocomplete directive.

    The inputs of the directive are :

    • items: Initial list of search terms already existing in the advanced search.

    This directive also emits an itemsUpdate event which is needed to synchronize the search terms in the parent component.

  • The BsAdvancedFormValidation provides the sqAdvancedFormValidation directive. It extends and overrides the main sqValidation directive.

    The inputs of the directive are :

    • field: The column / alias of the applied filter.
    • validationForm: The advanced-search form.

Sample use case

A working example could be the integration of an advanced search form in the search form used in Pepper application.

In this section, we will go through the main keys of how to easily instantiate an advanced search form :

  1. First of all, we need to build the form. The best practice is to create a new component containing all the business logic.

The main idea is to start by adding your controls to the form object. Here, you can easily apply validators as much as you want :

  this.form.addControl('treepath', this.advancedService.createSelectControl('treepath'));
this.form.addControl('modified', this.advancedService.createRangeControl('modified',
this.form.addControl('person', this.advancedService.createMultiInputControl('person'));
this.form.addControl('docformat', this.advancedService.createInputControl('docformat'));

In this example, we add several FormControl such as modified, to which we apply 2 validators; range() and date(). You can also note that the build process of the form is set in the callback of this.firstPageService.getFirstPage(). Its role is to load autocompletion suggestions and whatever data needed in the initialization of advanced-search components. You should carefully notice that the name of each formControl is exactly the same as its field property.

  1. Next step is to mutually update of the form and the query according to users interactions. This is the role of both methods updateFormOnQueryChange() and updateQuery().

  2. Then, feel free to design the look & feel of your advanced search form as you want.

  3. Once the component is ready, you can integrate it in the search form :

<sq-search-form #searchForm

<ng-template let-query>

<div class="search-dropdown border-top m-2">



<div class="small fw-bold mb-1 ms-3 me-auto">Advanced Search Form:</div>
<!-- The new advanced search form you have just created ! -->



