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Feedback Module


This module includes a single sample component which displays a menu letting a user send feedback to the administrator of the Sinequa server. This feedback is collected via the audit index and needs to be displayed in an audit report. ⚠️ No email is sent to anyone automatically.

Feedback menu


Import this module in your app.module.ts:

import { BsFeedbackModule } from '@sinequa/components/feedback';

imports: [

This module is internationalized: If not already the case, you need to import its messages for the language(s) of your application. For example, in your app's src/locales/en.ts:

import {enFeedback} from "@sinequa/components/feedback";

const messages = Utils.merge({}, ..., enFeedback, appMessages);


The sq-feedback-menu component can be displayed in an application with:

It is possible to pass optional inputs to the component:

  • size ('sm', 'lg' or leave undefined): controls the size of the action's button (will translate into the Bootstrap classes btn-sm or btm-lg).
  • style ('light', 'dark', 'primary', etc.): controls the style of the action's button (will translate into the Bootstrap classes btn-light, btn-primary, etc.).
  • rightAligned (default: false): controls the submenu alignment to the right or the left.

Audit configuration

The component uses the Audit web service to record the user feedback. The audit record will contain the following information:

  • Type of feedback: The default categories are lang, content, ui and other. The type is stored in the message column of the index.
  • Comment from the user (stored in the column detail).
  • Time of the comment (stored in the column timestamp).
  • User id (stored in the column timestamp).

The comments can be displayed in an audit report, in various steps:

  1. Define a query to fetch the user comments:

    Audit queries

  2. Define a new section in the "Parameters":

    Audit parameters

  3. The audit events are now visible in the audit report:

    Audit report