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Modal Module


The Modal module is divided into two parts:

  1. The generic part in @sinequa\core provides service, and components declaration for the creation of popup modals,
  2. The components in @sinequa\components provides overrides for the components in @sinequa\core for styling, for Bootstrap (BsModalModule).

This documentation page focuses on the Bootstrap flavor components of Modal.

Please refer to the document of the core modal module for the usage of the generic module.


import { LoginModule } from "@sinequa/core/login";
import { ModalModule } from "@sinequa/core/modal";

import { BsModalModule } from "@sinequa/components/modal"; // Bootstrap flavor of Modal

imports: [
BsModalModule, // Overrides login and modal components with Bootstrap components

This module is internationalized: If not already the case, you need to import its messages for the language(s) of your application. For example, in your app's src/locales/en.ts:

import {enModal} from "@sinequa/components/modal";

const messages = Utils.merge({}, ..., enModal, appMessages);

API usage

This module introduces the BsModal component that helps creating popup modal with Bootstrap styling.

This component provides the sq-modal selector that can be used to display a modal in the HTML template of your component

Example: The "New saved query" popup with BsModal

<form name="editSavedQuery" novalidate [formGroup]="form">
<sq-modal [title]="'msg#editSavedQuery.title'" [buttons]="buttons">
<div class="form-group sq-form-group">
<label for="savedQueryName">
{{'' | sqMessage}}

which yields the following popup

New saved query popup New saved query popup

The input of the components are

  • title: The title of the popup, could be internationalized (i18n) message
  • buttons: The list of the buttons in the popup, each follows the interface IModalButton,
  • showHeader: whether to show the header of the modal, true by default,
  • showFooter: whether to show the footer of the modal, true by default.