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Vanilla Builder

Vanilla Builder

Vanilla-builder is built upon a Vanilla-search's application but each pages are surrounded by the ngx-ui-builder directives to allow their customizations.

Project's folder structure


Contains all configurators widgets used to customize the vanilla-search application.
Usually, a configurator widget is associated to a SBA components. But it's not always the case.

  • Specific to Analytics components
chartconfigure a specific chart within a list of charts
heatmapconfigure an heatmap component
networkconfigure a network component
timelineconfigure a timeline component
  • Specific to SBA Components
commentsconfigure a comments component
facetconfigure a specific facet within a list of facets
facet-multiconfigure a facet multi component
menuconfigure the navbar menu
metadataconfigure a metadata component
predefined-results-layoutconfigure how the results are displayed
previewconfigure a preview component
search-form-legacyconfigure a search bar (legacy) component
slide-builderconfigure a slide builder component
  • Specific to Application component

Each application's pages contains a specific configurator component.
This component describes how to customize the page and which SBA components are allowed to drop within it.

home-facetconfigure a home's facet component
homeconfigure the Vanilla's Home components
searchconfigure the Vanilla's Search components


globalconfigure the global's application configuration
Today, only those parameters are customizable:
- application's name
- font family
- background image/color
- color's theme
global-serviceuse the configuration from the ui-builder when builder is enable and use the config.ts configuration in static mode (see static export section)


The toolbar component allows you to add custom options to the ui-builder's toolbar.
By default, the ui-builder's toolbar contains only the eye icon used to enable/disable the ui-builder and the undo/redo buttons.

To add your own buttons, just add them inside the <uib-toolbar></uib-toolbar> tag.


This file contains the configuration by default.
When you reset your configuration, the content of this file will be applied.

Configuration are split in multiple configuration's constants to ease it's customization.
Updating this file, allows you to specify your own configuration when the application is first launched but also when you reset the whole configuration.

The ngx-ui-builder directives

To allow customization within a page, each page contains one or more <uib-zone></uib-zone>

Each <uib-zone></uib-zone> contains one or more uib-directive. Those directives allow the ui-builder library to know which components can be customized within each zones.

Inside the ui-builder directives

Here we are exploring the directives allowing components customization.

Below a snippet of the Home page template (html)

<uib-zone id="home">
<ng-template uib-template="search-form" display="Search form" let-config>
<app-search-form [autocompleteSources]="config.autocompleteSources"></app-search-form>

Here a zone called home is set.
Inside this zone, a uib-directive called search-form is set.
Now, the ui-builder library knows the app-search-form component can be customized.
As you can notice in this example, app-search-form is not a SBA component: indeed, the uib-builder can be used with any kind of components.

Now, take a look at the home configuration object:

id: 'home',
type: '_container',
classes: 'd-flex align-items-center flex-column w-100',
items: ['home-logo', 'home-title', 'search-form', 'home-actions', 'home-facets']

This configuration is associated with the uib-zone with the id home. So, this describes the zone:

  • the zone is a container (type: '_container')
  • the zone contains various components (items: [...]). Each component within this array will be rendered by index order.
  • class is just for css styling the host element

In the items property, you can notice the search-form id. This tells the ui-builder library to render a component whose id is search-form

Let's see what this component is... The template (html) gives us the answer:

  <ng-template uib-template="search-form" display="Search form" let-config>
<app-search-form [autocompleteSources]="config.autocompleteSources"></app-search-form>

search-component is an app-search-form component.

Take a look at it's configuration object:

id: 'search-form',
type: 'search-form',
classes: 'col-8 col-md-7 col-lg-5 col-xl-4 app-search-form px-2',
autocompleteSources: ['suggests','baskets','recent-documents','recent-queries','saved-queries'],
enableVoiceRecognition: true,
keepTab: true,
enableKeepFilters: true,
keepFilters: true,
enableAdvancedForm: true,
keepAdvancedSearchFilters: true

All properties after classes are the component's inputs default values. If you want keep some inputs not configurable, do not include them in the configuration.

Now, to allow an user to customize this values, you need to set a configurator.
Configurators are all set inside a special HTML tag: <uib-configurator></uib-configurator>

In our example, the configutor's template looks like this:

<ng-template uib-template="search-form" let-context>
<sq-search-form-legacy-configurator [context]="context">

Here we tell to the ui-builder which configurator to use with search-form.
The context associated is (to be simple) the search-form's configuration object, so the configurator knows how to interact with the component.

Building a configurator is quite easy.

Below the search-form configurator:

import { Component, Input } from "@angular/core";
import { ConfiguratorContext } from "@sinequa/ngx-ui-builder";

selector: 'sq-search-form-legacy-configurator',
template: `
<h6>Autocomplete sources</h6>
</uib-multi-selector> `
export class SearchFormLegacyConfiguratorComponent {
@Input() context: ConfiguratorContext;

sources = [
{value: "suggests", display: "Suggestions"},
{value: "baskets", display: "Collections (aka. baskets)"},
{value: "recent-documents", display: "Recent documents"},
{value: "recent-queries", display: "Recent queries"},
{value: "saved-queries", display: "Saved queries"},

ui-builder comes with multiple built-in components and configurators ready to use. Here <uib-multi-selector></uib-multi-selector> is a kind of checkboxes list.

Configurators are displayed in the ui-builder panel, but while drag'n dropping component inside a uib-zone, those configurators can also be displayed as a modal window.

You must have now a good understanding how the ui-builder works in the backstage.

Static export

Static website generation is done using Angular's schematics provided by the ui-builder library.

This step can be done by the Platform using a json plugin.

But you can also do this using a command line.
Inside the package-json file you can find a make-static script. This script tells to the Angular's schematics how to convert <uib-zone> and uib-directive in a static website application.

Before, you need to download the configuration as a JSON file.

Take a look to this script:

"make-static": "ng generate @sinequa/ngx-ui-builder:make-static --app-module-dependencies=projects/vanilla/src/app-dependencies.json --config=projects/vanilla/src/config.json --config-path=projects/vanilla/src/config.ts --config-identifier=GLOBAL_CONFIG",

  • --app-module-dependencies is a configuration's dependencies file specific to vanilla-builder. It allows to remove useless dependencies depending on what components you use inside the application.
  • --config is the path of the project's configuration json previously downloaded.
  • --config-path is the path of the config.ts file to use to paste the global configuration.
  • --config-identifier is the name of the constant to use inside the config.ts file to paste the configuration. By default it's value is GLOBAL_CONFIG, so it's optional if you don't use your own value.

When the static generation ends, a full static Angular's application will be available without any traces of the ui-builder's components and directives. All the global configuration will be written inside the config.ts file and used by de configuration service by default.