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In Angular, application environments allow you to specify different configurations for different build targets (typically dev, prod, staging, etc.).

In the case of the Sinequa SBA Framework, the parameters which often need to be environment-specific are those of the StartConfig object:

  • app: Name of the App configured on the server
  • auditEnabled: Whether or not to enable audit logging
  • autoSAMLProvider, autoOAuthProvider: Name of the login providers configured on the server
  • production: Whether the app is built for production or not
  • url: URL of the Sinequa server (if you are using CORS -- See Connecting to the Sinequa server).

To take an example, let's say you have to develop your SBA with a Sinequa server at and you will deploy your production application on You may have something like the following:

import { environment } from "../environments/environment";

export const startConfig: StartConfig = {
url: environment.url,
production: environment.production,
auditEnabled: environment.auditEnabled,
autoSAMLProvider: environment.autoSAMLProvider
export const environment = {
url: "",
app: "enterprise-search-app",
auditEnabled: false,
production: false

(Notice that autoSAMLProvider is omitted, meaning we will use default login/password authentication in dev)

export const environment = {
url: "",
app: "enterprise-search-app",
auditEnabled: true,
production: true,
autoSAMLProvider: "enterprise-sso"

Note that the url parameter can be omitted if your application is hosted on the Sinequa server or if you use a proxy (the url will just be inferred from the browser URL). It can also be omitted if you use a proxy with ng serve (See Getting Started).