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UI Builder

UI Builder is an Angular library that lets developers create applications that can be easily reshaped and reconfigured by end-users through point-and-click and drag-and-drop interactions.

Demo UI Builder

Getting Started

Add the library to your application with:

ng add @sinequa/ngx-ui-builder

(This command installs the library and its peer dependencies from npm)

Import the 2 following modules in your app.module.ts (the first one to display configurable components in your app; the second one to display their configurator):

import { DynamicViewsModule, ConfiguratorModule } from '@sinequa/ngx-ui-builder';

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Import the Bootstrap utilities and UI Builder stylesheets in your project’s stylesheet:

@import "~bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap-utilities.min"; // Unless you already use Bootstrap or Bootstrap utilities
@import "~@sinequa/ngx-ui-builder/styles/ui-builder";

(Note that the Bootstrap utilities should not affect the styling of your app: they only introduce convenience styling such as display: flex for the class name d-flex)

Initialize the configuration service with a blank configuration:

import { ConfigService } from '@sinequa/ngx-ui-builder';

export class AppComponent {
    public configService: ConfigService

Create a first zone in your application:

<uib-zone id="test">
    <ng-template uib-template="test">
        <h1>Hello world</h1>

Display the configurator and toolbar (wrapped under a .uib-bootstrap element, so that these components are correctly styled):

<div class="uib-bootstrap">

    <!-- Inject custom toolbar buttons here -->


    <!-- Inject custom configurators here -->
